
Friday, August 7, 2009

Basic settings on Windows to Make your computer free from viruses and hackers.

 A efficient firewall client: 

            Firewall protection is so much important feature for those who have Internet connection. Firewall regulates internet requests from various programs. If one anonymous programs succeeds firewall it can run in background/ hidden to bring malicious code.

Though windows provides its own firewall protection but almost most number of users are not using licensed versions, hence it can not be updated.

the solution for this problem is Updated efficient firewall client.
Zonelarm is good firewall it mingles with any resident anti-virus programs.

Download Zonealarm firewall which is free for non-commercial use from below link.

Follow the installing instructions, while installing this windows returns some security and other messages (Includes windows file protection) DON'T PANIC. With the complition of installation it forces for restart of OS.After restart all issues are solved.

Usage tips:
  • For every program which request internet usage it opens a pop up from tray icon asking your permission to allow or deny the net usage.You can check the Remember check box for excluding further intimations.
  • You can change permanent setting for a particular program from launching Zone alarm security from menu bar and selecting Programs under program control tab ................................................................................................ 
A Good Anti-virus:

                     Next step you must have up to dated anti-virus protection.Many people use some popular paid Anti-virus programs like kaspersky,Quickheal,F-seure etc., with  cracks and illegal keys.All anti-virus vendors eventually  block those serials otherwise they stop delivery of virus definition updates.If your anti-virus program is not up-to dated then that would be useless.Ultimate result is they can't defend new viruses.
                     A up to dated free version would be far more stronger than the out dated illegal(paid) anti-virus.

Some Good free anti-virus programs:

Avast anti-virus free home edition:

Avg anti-virus free edition: 

And one more important thing, a Web Browser:
      Stop using Internet explorer 6[to know version number Go to Help menu and select about option].If you still use this that would be a big blunder like giving safe key of a bank to a thief.Internet explorer 6 most outdated web browser.If you still use it you may willingly invite threats to your computer.
           You may use ie-8 if you have a genuine Windows.
The available best options are Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.These two are freeware and the publishers regularly release versions with bug fixes.
Official Download Links:
Stay away from online Scams - Fraudulent Messages :

" https "  in address bar.

Padlock symbol at right bottom corner.

Authentication verification by clicking on padlock symbol verify certificates from providers like Thawte,Verisign.

A good program to defend against possible Usb infections :  
Usb disk Security scans the removable media when ever attached to a computer and shows notifications about suspected programs which on th removable media like pen drive,a memory card etc,.
Download from its offcial publisher site :


 Disable Auto-run:

Most of virus programs are affected through Autorun.inf infection.
The code of auto run you can view by opening the file with note pad.
The code is written to execute some hidden malicious program.
The code present something like this.

(where xxx- refers virus name)
To disable auto run follow below steps.
  • Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System.
  • Then select turn off auto play(It should be changed as enabled and turn off auto play on all drives.
If your computer is already infected with autorun.inf

Follow below steps:
  • Download RRT tool from iserigwa software

Remove all restriction manually.
Then go to My computer Tools->Folder options->view

Under this make settings like this
->show hidden files and folders,
->Unchek hide extensions for known file types
->Uncheck hide protected operating system files.

Then open each drive and delete autorun.inf files.
If your drive not opened when you double click restart your explorer or OS.
You can also unhide Autorun files by using command line reference
->Open run command and type cmd
->type attrib A:\Autorun.inf -s -h -r -a
->press enter.
->repeat the procedure by replacing drive letter.

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